Monday, 11 May 2015

Deforestation in Italy

1. Deforestation has been practiced in Italy since the Roman times, and is widely quoted as a example in man-made deforestation. Sicily is generally the place in Italy where most of the deforestation happens, when it was a agricultural area.

2. Environmentally, deforestation has hit the hardest. The loss of trees in the regions of Italy had dampened the climate, leading to rivers drying up and less rainfall. Less crops were grown in fields and pastures, harming the wild fauna. Socially, this harms the local lumberjacks. With no trees to be cut, they have no job basically.Local farmers also take a hit with crop turnouts lowering. Economically, Italy has to import lumber for their needs since materials in the country are lacking. Sometimes Italy has to import foods in certain areas because of the crop turnout.

3. I find that deforestation is more of a threat in Italy than in Canada because of the amount of trees harvested. Italy has been cutting down trees since the Roman times, meaning a lot more trees have been eliminated than in Canada. Deforestation rates are also higher in Italy than in Canada. Italy also has to rely on imports of lumber due to the amount of deforestation where as Canada does not, in fact, Canada probably supplies Italy with lumber anyway. Finally, Canada is at a less of threat than Italy as it sustains its forests better, with things like replanting trees and keeping other forests out of bounds from cutting.

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