What affects Italy in regards to climate change?
- With the ice caps melting, cities in Italy like Venice are at risk to flooding.
- Rainfall amount has decreased in Italy since the 50s, by almost 5 to 10%.
- With the temperature increasing, the Alps might be ice free within the beginning of the next century if temperature increases by 5°C in the coming years.
- Air temperatures have increased by 0.76°C since 1850.
- If temperatures increase by 4°C, snow on the Alps will decrease by 50%.
- Increase of heat increases the chance of drought in the vineyards.
- Droughts would last longer and begin earlier in areas in Italy.
- Pollution increases would increase CO2 levels.
- Heat waves put woodlands in southern Italy at risk for forest fires.
- About one-fifth of Italy is at risk of desertification.
- Melting permafrost is creating lakes within the Alps, which might cause erosion.
- Coastal beaches in Italy are at risk of erosion as well.
- Decrease in marine life and seashore regression.
- Heat waves puts many people's health at risk.
- Hotter temperatures increase amount of mosquitoes carrying diseases.
- Freshwater areas have been contaminated by salt intrusion.
- Rivers also are becoming more and more flooded.
- Melting ice caps increase risk of landslides and avalanches.
- Melting permafrost increases risk of rock slides.
- With the temperature increasing, storms are becoming more severe.
- In the Mediterranean, the warming of the sea has decreased life spans of fish.
- Reduction in the grape wine industry, due to heat wave increase.
- Increased risk of flash floods, due to ice cap melting.
- Pollution increasing stress on the fishing industry.
- Loss of land due to rising of sea levels.
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