Monday, 30 March 2015


Strip mining: a type of mining where the soil and rock covering the mineral wanted is removed, generally in strips.

1. Safer than other methods of mining.
2. More efficient in getting the material.
3. Cost of mining this way is much lower compared to other methods.

1. Destruction of the natural ecosystem.
2. Contamination of water supplies due to excavated material and extraction solvents. 
3. The release of toxins and dust into the air, polluting the environment.

Shaft mining: the method of excavating  vertical or near vertical tunnel from top to bottom with no inital access to the bottom.

1. Less pollution from this method.
2. Less destruction of the ecosystem.
3. Less contamination of water.

1. Less efficient than strip mining.
2. More expensive to mine this way.
3. More dangerous, risk of tunnels collapsing and poisonous gases released through the tunnels.

Spouse of a miner: I would prefer strip mining, as it is safer than shaft mining is.

Owner of a mining company: I would prefer strip mining, as it's more efficient, meaning more money made for the company.

Environmentalist: I would prefer shaft mining, as it's less polluting on the environment than strip mining.

Owner of a nearby ski resort: I would prefer strip mining, as it lowers the risk of tunnels collapsing, causing avalanches.

Politician: I would prefer strip mining, as it    costs less than the alternative, and it's more efficient, meaning gaining money.

Italy is the largest mining producer of feldspar and pumice, and a leading producer of marble, even though they are poor in mineral resources. The way that that Italy generally mines those materials is through strip mining. Some major quarries of mining are located in the Massa and Carrara areas.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Waste Management

1. Italy disposes their waste in landfills, and they also recycle waste that is recyclable. Waste disposal is done at a municipal level in Italy.

2. Italy has issues in the fact of their landfills being overfilled, and the utter lack of waste collection in certain cities like Naples. Italy also has a region known as the Triangle of death due to the amount of cancer deaths because of pollution of illegal waste disposal.

3. I believe that Italy needs to make more landfills so they don't have issues of overfilled landfills. Areas that should be getting more landfills should be the cities in the triangle of death and Naples, the former to reduce the pollution amounts, thus reducing death counts in the region, and the latter to fix the waste crisis that is plaguing Naples.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Climate Change Affecting Italy

What affects Italy in regards to climate change?

  1. With the ice caps melting, cities in Italy like Venice are at risk to flooding.
  2. Rainfall amount has decreased in Italy since the 50s, by almost 5 to 10%.
  3. With the temperature increasing, the Alps might be ice free within the beginning of the next century if temperature increases by 5°C in the coming years.
  4. Air temperatures have increased by 0.76°C since 1850.
  5. If temperatures increase by 4°C, snow on the Alps will decrease by 50%.
  6. Increase of heat increases the chance of drought in the vineyards.
  7. Droughts would last longer and begin earlier in areas in Italy.
  8. Pollution increases would increase CO2 levels.
  9. Heat waves put woodlands in southern Italy at risk for forest fires.
  10. About one-fifth of Italy is at risk of desertification.
  11. Melting permafrost is creating lakes within the Alps, which might cause erosion.
  12. Coastal beaches in Italy are at risk of erosion as well.
  13. Decrease in marine life and seashore regression.
  14. Heat waves puts many people's health at risk.
  15. Hotter temperatures increase amount of mosquitoes carrying diseases.
  16. Freshwater areas have been contaminated by salt intrusion.
  17. Rivers also are becoming more and more flooded.
  18. Melting ice caps increase risk of landslides and avalanches.
  19. Melting permafrost increases risk of rock slides.
  20. With the temperature increasing, storms are becoming more severe.
  21. In the Mediterranean, the warming of the sea has decreased life spans of fish.
  22. Reduction in the grape wine industry, due to heat wave increase.
  23. Increased risk of flash floods, due to ice cap melting.
  24. Pollution increasing stress on the fishing industry.
  25. Loss of land due to rising of sea levels.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Climates and climate controls

1. Italy is affected by many different climate controls. It's affected in the land/water climate by it being close to the Mediterranean Sea, it gets somewhat subtropical highs, and in southern region in between subtropical highs and equatorial lows. It also is affected by geo position, with cities in the north higher up than cities in the south. Latitude also affects Italy due to being close to the Alps in the north and the Mediterranean Sea in the south.

2. Italy is dominated by a temperate climate, a Mediterranean climate to be more specific. Average temperatures are around 7°C, and get an annual precipitation of 42 cm. Summers in this climate are dry and winters in this climate are wet.


Monday, 2 March 2015

Wind Storms in Italy

1. This storm that hit Italy was a tornado.

2. The F4 tornado hit the outskirts of Venice on September 11, 1970, and smashed through about 70 km across the land.

3. The tornado caused heavy amounts of damage to the region and killed 36 people. It is unknown how much damage to the environment was caused, but waters in Venice were affected quite a bit.