Absolute Location: 41° North Latitude and 12° East Longitude for Rome, Italy.
Relative Location: Rome is 8983 km away from our home in Surrey, BC.
Human Characteristics: Italy has ancient roads, some of the oldest in history. Italy also has structures such as the Coliseum, the Roman Catholic Chruch and a few castles. Italy also has shopping centres in Milan and city on water, known as Venice. The language of Italy is Italian of course.
Physical Characteristics: Italy's mainland has physical features such as mountainous areas, lowlands in the heart of Italy and along the coast, grasslands and fine snowy hills in the northern regions.
Human-Environment Interaction
Depend: Italians depend on many different things. They depend on other countries for imports as well as exports, they depend on the Mediterranean Sea for food such as fish or crab. The city of Venice depends on gondolas as transportation through the Grand Canal.
Modify: Italians modified their environment by building roads, and farmland. They modified rivers with dams and dykes. They also negatively affected the environment as well, from emmisons from factories or endangering the wildlife.
Adapt: Italians adapted to their environment by not building cities close to active volcanoes, buying clothing jackets for the rain and warm homes for the cold. They also raised building standards in case of an earthquake.
Italy has used movement in many ways, such as moving exports like clothing for export. They used gondolas, buses and trains as means of transportation. Internet and magazines also were used to get info around.
Italy has many regions such as Sicily off the coast and the areas in the north such as Abuzzo. Other Island areas such as Sardinia are also part of the Italian region.